Importing Fedora 21

Posted by Greg Swift on Sunday, March 01, 2015

Importing Fedora 21 Workstation as a distro

With the recent split into separate products the only Fedora 21 component that actually has a cobbler recognized distro is the Server product. The basic workflow I did to bootstrap workstations using this was:

  1. Import Fedora 21 Server for a distro (download one of these Fedora 21 Server x86_64 ISOs)

  2. Execute: cobbler import --name=fedora21-x86_64 --path=/mnt/x --kickstart=/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks
  3. Sync the Fedora/21/Everything repository (use --mirror-locally=False if you can get away with it!): cobbler repo add --name=fedora21-everything-64 --breed=yum --arch=x86_64 --mirror=
  4. Now they have to be glued together. You need to copy the .treeinfo and images directories from the distro into everything repo: cp -pr /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/fedora21/{.treeinfo,LiveOS,images} /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror/fedora21-everything-64/
  5. Then you need to edit the distro’s tree path: cobbler distro edit --name=fedora21-x86_64 --ksmeta=tree=http://@@http_server@@/cblr/repo_mirror/fedora21-everything-x86_64

If you want to get clean with it you could probably manually perform the reposync of Everything, copy over the treeinfo and images directories into Everything and then perform the import.

list-harddrives fails now in my partitioning scriplets

By converting code for better python 3 support an unintended consequence in anaconda was an altering of the output of the anaconda list-harddrives command. This only occurs when the code is run in python2 environments.

The expected output of list-harddrives is something like: vda 930193. Instead we get ('vda', 930193).

You can read the bug. This should not be a problem in future releases, and I guess if they re-rolled the Fedora 21 media for a 6th time it could go away.

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Importing Fedora 21
Posted on March 01, 2015
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