Official community repositories

Posted by Enno on Thursday, July 04, 2024

After a long time of not being able to provide community repositories that allow for seamless updates of Cobbler versions, we can finally announce that they are back!

Here are the link for the different Cobbler versions1:

These repositories (and future ones for newer version of Cobbler) can be also found on our Website:

  • Cobbler 3:
  • Cobbler 2:

In case you want to build the packages from source or locally for yourself you can find the instructions here:

How to use the OBS repositories with the major package providers?

OBS repositories offer the benefit that it automatically rebuilds your package based on updates of transitive dependencies. As such you can always be sure that your package is compatible with the installed software on your system.


zypper addrepo<cobbler branch>/<os version>/systemsmanagement:cobbler:<cobbler branch>.repo
zypper refresh
zypper install cobbler

RedHat based distributions

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget<cobbler branch>/<os version>/systemsmanagement:cobbler:<cobbler branch>.repo
yum install cobbler


echo 'deb<cobbler branch>/<os version>/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/systemsmanagement:cobbler:<cobbler branch>.list
curl -fsSL<cobbler branch>/<os version>/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/systemsmanagement_cobbler_<cobbler branch>.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cobbler

Closing remarks

We do hope that those repositories find wider adoption for those people that either need a specific version of Cobbler or don’t have Cobbler submitted in their operating system. Please do request support for new operating systems as a GitHub Issue.

Please don’t attempt to use the RPMs for operating systems that they are not built for. It will cause issues that are hard to debug. We are attempting to progress a container based release for Cobbler that enables everyone to use it on their operating system of choice.


  1. These repositories are provided without any kind of warranty and “as is”. 

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